Four laurels for Sens, the sports city!

The city strengthens its attractiveness with sport
This was one of the last emotional satisfactions of late Sens mayor, Marie-Louise FORT. Labeled «Ville Attractive et Sportive», with four laurels – synonymous with rarity – the capital of Sens area added, a few days before she passed away, a new access to her list already well stocked with different kind of references. Sens thus joined the other twenty-three cities of France, like Nice, Grenoble, Nancy or Dijon…that have been given this label!
Sport as a vector of attractiveness? This is not the first time that physical activity has been given such a spotlight to promote a territory or a city. In this case, the city of Sens joined the very hermetic club of Hexagonal cities enjoying the prestige to be givent four laurels in the «Ville Attractive et Sportive» label.
45 disciplines and more than 9,000 licensees!
Created in 2017, the label «Ville Active et Sportive» was almost immediately made for the former capital city of the Sénons. In 2018, the first three laurels were awarded under the pugnacious era of Jean-Pierre CROST, who was in charge at the time.

How could it have been otherwise, especially this city of North Yonne is hosting sixty-three sports clubs, representing forty-five disciplines, and more than nine thousand licensees?!
Sens in France’s big league!
This label awarded by the Ministry of City, Youth and Sports, the ANDES (National Association of elected officials in charge of Sport) as well as the Union Sport et Cycle is given for a period of three years. Note that this label has already been awarded in the past to 607 localities in France.
The municipal assistant in charge of sports and youth, Romain CROCCO, received the precious distinction in Limousin, during the f the national prize ceremony. With four levels of distinction, the criteria to get this label are based on the community sports policy, the motivation of elected officials to apply it, the quality of facilities, the hosting and organization of sporting events, or popular initiatives to promote the practice of sport among the greatest number (children, seniors, the disabled, the sick, etc.), etc. Like in Nice, Grenoble, Nancy or Dijon, etc. France’s big league!
Thierry BRET