President of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCI 89)

Thierry CADEVILLE: «Hercules» of attractiveness!
A mandate plan for the territory…
To increase the competitiveness of the territories, to develop Yonne businesses and to strengthen skills by training the professions of tomorrow: the 2022/2026 mandate plan of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry reflects the ambitions of a consular body chaired by Thierry CADEVILLE who wants to support entrepreneurship and communities…
The former Vice President of the CCI, previously in charge of the service sector, knows the song. It is true that alongside Alain PEREZ – the latter had to place him in orbit long before resigning – Thierry CADEVILLE had all the time to understand his future mission.
With his new team, he has patiently refined the mandate contract, this essential breadcrumb which is the reference point for the consular policy until 2026.
«Twelve works» for a mandate!
Taking a closer look at the «twelve works» awaiting the new «Hercules» of the CCI of Yonne, we can say that Thierry CADEVILLE has work to do. But there is nothing to worry about too much because the various points adjust with each other in a pure logic.
Without making an exhaustive inventory of these twelve projects, some have the advantage of being very clear like for instance, the strengthening of partnership agreements with communities in charge of economic development or in related ways the deployment of an ambitious transformation programme in Auxerre’s business incubator. A vast project that should take place over the coming months and years with the almost total overhaul and the modernization of the structural package for a total budget of about ten million euros.
Things should also move both in Tonnerre and Toucy, as these cities that are also affected by this breath of modernism essential to optimize the welcoming of businesses.
A conductor at the head of a beautiful consular machine…
As an entrepreneur for so many years Thierry CADEVILLE was a perfectionist at heart at the head of his company «ALGAN SIREC», and the new key figure of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Yonne will probably not deviate from the roadmap which he holds a copy in hand.
It is true that the document has a very special value for this native of Brittany, familiar with the consular culture for a long time.
For nearly a year now, Thierry CADEVILLE has been wearing the costume of president of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Yonne, a garment that his predecessor Alain PEREZ, was wearing so well before he retired from all economic activities in our territory.
But this does not disturb the new impetrant. Calm, unifying, listening, he ensures the governance of the institution, as he received the trust and blessing urbi et orbi of the thirty-six members of the decision-making framework of the departmental body.
100,000 hours of courses provided by the CCI…
Carrying his official «passport» made of the ingredients defined in the four-year plan adopted last spring, Thierry CADEVILLE can nows carry out his program, like an audible score interpreted by a symphony orchestra which he will lead as a conductor.
His work will be divided into three main phases: to increase the territories’ competitiveness – an aspect to which he fully subscribes –, to develop Yonne businesses – it could not be different – and to highlight the skills for tomorrow, through trades and training that must be promoted.
The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Yonne has serious assets in its pocket with more than a thousand learners each year. Young people who attend educational sessions initiated by the training centre, and about 100,000 hours of courses provided there.
As for the interventions given directly within companies, they are also progressing from season to season. In the last fiscal year, the CCI will have responded to more than three hundred requests out of an original number five hundred requests. Not bad at all for a consular body that once had nearly 120 employees and which now relies on the professionalism of about fifty-five people!
Helping businesses to remove more efficiently carbon from their environment…
Thinking about the evolution of the consular chamber, necessarily, Thierry CADEVILLE, pure product of the CPME, considers important to manage it with due care: by making drastic savings. This is the logical result of the reduction of the State’s subsidies even if the annual operating budget of the agency still amounts to 1.6 million euros per year. At the same time the CCI also benefits of the provision of new (paid) services for local companies. In a nutshell, a strategy that does not denote with its entrepreneurial spirit!
Another key point for the 2022/2026 mandate plan is to support the “decarbonization” of the economy. Like the promotion of the digital transition within companies, Thierry CADEVILLE wants to pull out all the stops so that these societal priorities will henceforth be based on all the strategies of development of Yonne’s companies. Moreover, the networking of entrepreneurs is also one of the unavoidable strategic axes that Thierry CADEVILLE wants to spread.
2026 is already tomorrow…
The former student of the Ecole Supérieure de Commerce (ESC) in Strasbourg does not forget training, one of the leading threads justifying all the action of the consular chamber in the territory.
Notions found in good place in this four-year plan with the enhancement of the offer of higher education in the most northern territory of Burgundy and a better knowledge of the trades.
In short, the roadmap of this 2022/2026 contract seems to have been well thought out and it presents a number of assets favorable to our territory’s attractiveness. A concept that Thierry CADEVILLE and his staff want to implement as soon as possible to serve companies as well as communities. Time is running: there is not a minute to lose, 2026 is already tomorrow…
Thierry BRET
Jean-Michel Lorain
The specificity of my know-how is to be the result of the work of 3 generations who worked to create the restaurant Côte Saint-Jacques and make it a unique house nestled on the banks of Yonne river
Pontigny on the way to get its luster back
He undoubtedly masters art and orality, the head of the foundation that today bears his surname. Or even repartee, not devoid of a touch of humour, when he is asked to give his definition of contemporary art, answering a shifted question from the audience!