Jean-Pierre RICHARD
President of Yonne’s Chamber of Trades and Crafts (Chambre des Métiers et de l’Artisanat) and of departmental CAPEB

Yonne, a miniature version of France…
At 56 years old, Jean-Pierre RICHARD still admires this legendary figure of the tricolor sport. And he loves those who are making history. The one written with a big “H”. In fact, this native of the capital – he has been living in Yonne for 54 years! – finds himself in historical figures like Empire General Louis-Nicolas DAVOUT and Paul BERT, the instigator of republican school.
The last survivor of Waterloo lived in Carisey, he adds, with some delight.” Moreover, when he will be retired, he intends to join an associative structure that would allow him to explore historical documents and archives.
The department of Yonne, Jean-Pierre RICHARD loves it because it is like a miniature version of France. Not only because of landscapes’ diversity, but also because of its architecture.
The wealth of arts crafts and building…
Yonne has interesting geological diversities with the limestone in Noyers region, the torchis and the ochres of Puisaye, the brick used in Saint-Florentin’s constructions. I like these different components. For building professionals – his company manages the houses’ electricity needs– this is something of the utmost importance which makes this territory attractive to new residents coming from elsewhere…”
Advantages that the president of the consular chamber extends to the advanced industry, referring to the company «RD3D» which manufactures exoskeletons employed in the army but also in the construction sector.
The territory has many assets…
When he recalls the Olympic Games, Jean-Pierre RICHARD’s eyes light up in a strange way. That of the boundless passion he once dedicated to one of the most beautiful athletes of his generation. The hexagonal «hurdler» Guy DRUT!
The Frenchman won the silver in the tough 110-metre hurdles in Munich, narrowly falling behind the untouchable American rocket Rod MILBURN. He was fortunate to take his revenge four years later in Montreal in 1976. Surpassing the world gotha! What happiness ifor an unconditional fan like the president of Yonne’s Chamber of Trades and Crafts!
Guy DRUT, the mythical reference…
He has the eye that shines, the double president Yonne’s Chamber of Trades and Crafts and of the departmental CAPEB. Talking about the Olympic Games during a professional conversation, to understand better the economic situation of the moment among craftsmen, gives him great pleasure.
Montreal and its Games in the summer of 1976 – he was still in his teens – is for him one of the sporting summits of that summer period that did not end in an epic drought anchored in memory and great vintages with a solid texture that come out later! Crus that he knows how to appreciate elsewhere, as he is a good epicurean!
But no, for the head of IDREPP company 1976 reminds him the curly hair of Guy DRUT, one of the greatest French athletics and Olympic champion of 110 meters hurdles. An almost unique feat that few French athletics champions have managed to make. Guy DRUT was the big favourite, he received the promised gold medal at the end of the race.
The wealth of art craftsmanship also challenges him.
“During my professional wanderings, I met master craftsmen in violin making who are using artificial intelligence to revive violins, but also specialists in the renovation of beautiful buildings and castles that achieve feats on our territory…”
Let’s have a better look at the region beyond Paris…
As for Guy DRUT, Jean-Pierre RICHARD’s gaze shines brightly: ” Yonne has a real strength of adaptation to face all crises, I’m confident…”.
Rather than systematically looking at Paris and Ile-de-France region in terms of economic development that would secure the back of our region, the president of CAPEB 89 believes that in terms of attractiveness the solution will come from inside our region. Despite some differences of spirit and culture, the regions of Burgundy and Franche-Comté decided to unite by throwing all their strength in this attractiveness.
However, the reception of international delegations in the department seems obvious to him. “It’s a good place to live, we have the resources and we’re close to the capital” he says.
Resolutely optimistic –“Never become a business leader if you are not yet!” he says -, Jean-Pierre RICHARD says he never has time to get bored and he enriches by meeting others.
“I’m not a big fan of social media,” he concludes, “nothing beats live physical contact and a good handshake in the relationship with others instead of texting!”
As we can see, the Parisian «titi» with Nordic origins – its family cradle is in Armentières, fief of the famous and stainless Line RENAUD! – believes in the chances of Yonne and its future. A future that is now being developed through the «Terre de Jeux» program…
Thierry BRET
Pontigny on the way to get its luster back
He undoubtedly masters art and orality, the head of the foundation that today bears his surname. Or even repartee, not devoid of a touch of humour, when he is asked to give his definition of contemporary art, answering a shifted question from the audience!
Saint-Germain Abbey, Cité de la Parole et du Son
1600 years of history have shaped Saint-Germain Abbey as we know it today. Its construction around Germain’s tomb made it one of the brightest religious, intellectual and artistic homes in the entire Carolingian empire